What is You Matter Marathon?

The You Matter Marathon (YMM) is creating and enriching positive connections between people and within communities.

Individuals or organizations sign up to receive 30 You Matter cards in the mail that they need to share within their community in the month of November, free of charge. Participants are invited to join a private Facebook group to connect with other You Matter Marathoners. Participants receive weekly emails sharing our progress and inspiring stories.

Why they are Awesome

  • 1 million You Matter Cards have been shared across the world.

  • Founder Cheryl Rice has done a TEDx talk on You Matter Cards.

How To Connect Kindness


Be apart of the Connect Kindness movement. Bring attention to this organization by sharing this page on your social media.


Donate money directly to this organization.


Make a difference by signing up to receive You Matter Cards so you can pass them out to your community.