What is Mighty Millie Foundation?

Mighty Millie Foundation’s mission is to bring community together to create awareness, funding, resources, and research to fight childhood cancer.
Millie would be weeks away from turning 5 years old, but passed away just before her 4th birthday from childhood cancer last year. In what would be her final visit to the hospital, she asked for a popsicle after her treatment. Cancer treatment for children is horrifying and a popsicle is sometimes the only “food” a child is allowed to eat or can stomach during their treatment or it is given as treat after for enduring their excruciating treatment. In addition, a popsicle creates small moments of BIG JOY for children! That day, the hospital said they were out–and that popsicles are there as donations from families. Millie sadly passed away 1 week later. Millie’s parents have made it their mission in Millie’s honor to make certain all children’s hospitals are stocked year-round with popsicles. What started as a gift-in-kind turned into the Mighty Millie Foundation. Mighty Millie Foundation now provides and guarantees popsicles to forever be in 11 children’s hospitals!
Mighty Millie inspires others to host popsicle stands to bring community together, create small moments of big joy, and raise money that provide popsicles for children’s cancer centers and funds clinical trials that finds cures to children’s cancer.

Why they are Awesome

  • The Mighty Millie Foundation supports research for Rhabdomyosarcoma and other treatment options that result in better outcomes and fewer toxins in the body.

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Make a difference by raising money to support kids with cancer through a popsicle stand.